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  • Cluster

A large data storage and computing system composed of a group of services and hosts.

  • Service

A software system deployed on a cluster, such as distributed storage HDFS and distributed computing SPARK.

  • Service role

The components of a service. for example HDFS have NameNode,DataNode,SecondryNameNode service role and so on.

  • Service Role Instance

A service role instance is a stably running instance process.

  • Role Category

There are three types of service roles: Master roles,Worker roles,Client roles.

  • Management Node

Deploy DataSophon a group of hosts on the management end.

  • Worker Nodes

Deploy DataSophon a group of hosts at the working end.

  • DataSophon platform management end

DataSophon Platform management end,provide Web Ui,Responsible for communication with the working end of DataSophon platform,Send service management operation instructions.

  • DataSophon platform working end

A service for which the DataSophon platform executes instructions,Execute the operation instructions sent by the management end.